Cool Panel of 3 illustrators doing different styles.
The 3 Paths Lecture held this past Monday at AIB gave great insight into what it takes to be working professionally in today's Illustration and Animation industries. Joe Quinones, Mike Annear, and James Yang all come from diverse backgrounds and are at different stages in their own careers. They each presented their own process of working and discussed how they each broke into their industries. James Yang said it best, "Do what you love" -sound advice from someone with over 20 years in the industry.
Joe Quinones was a cool and light hearted speaker He specializes in comic characters
Mike Annear had a cool K-Town Video, a funny clip about teachers & students in an elementary school
But James Yang was my favorite.
His work was modern yet retro... kind of timeless and it was very versatile.
Plus he was very successful and seemed to constantly evolve through the 20 years of his career.
Check out his video "it's your globe guy" funny... and true
Sounds like a really cool industry to work in. Awesome blog!