Stuart Steck is our teacher and he's a lively, animated speaker. He's very open minded and extremely good at getting the class to interact and open up.
The classes main focus is to discuss works of art from different periods and break down what we see, as well as, what we think the artist is trying to relay with his work. It's interesting because it involves opinions and factual data, creating a conversational environment that allows us to explore the meaning behind why we think and feel the way we do.
It's challenging because it forces me to consider things outside of my own environment and opinions while in an educational environment.
Stuart does a great job of directing us while nurturing our own opinions. I hope to have him as a teacher again.
The other thing I really like about this class is our homework. He assigns us readings and we have to write a response to them. I am really enjoying the writing portion and the ability to be creative and share my thoughts through this exercise. It also gives me the opportunity to hear Stuarts feedback privately in his written notes on the side of my paragraphs. This allows me a quiet moment to consider his questions and to reconsider my own opinions.
Here are 2 Examples
Response to "A World Without Ads"
The 2nd is my response to "This Month's Cover":
So far in this class I've handed in 6 writing assignments... A's on all.
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